Monday, January 20, 2014

60% Whole Grain

Conjured up this loaf of bread today.  Experimenting with a few different flour blends lately, hydration amounts have been up and down.  Pretty happy with this formula, might scale back on the white a bit and use Maine Grains 86% extraction in place and try to get hydration between 75-78%.

40% King Arthur Sir Galahad
40% Aurora/Maine Grains Whole Wheat
20% Maine Grains Rye
30% Leaven
2% Sea Salt
73% Hydration

45 minute autolyse(with leaven incorporated)
Stir in salt
3 folds on the half hour
30 minute preshape
4 hour final shape

Lodge cast iron at 500 for 25 mins, 450 for additional 20-30 mins with top removed

1 comment:

  1. Ah that looks great, I love the color of the crust. The crust is my favorite part of bread. I like a nice thick and crunchy flavorful crust. Im glad you posted, I also sent a set of emails to all of us and would like some feedback on where we could go with the blog. Iv been mostly working with KA white and then mixing in a bit of ButterWorks farm whole wheat. At tinder hearth we mostly used Maine grain and Milanaise from Quebec, I think we had some Aurora for a while and it was definitely absorbing water in a different manner. The larger companies will have a better consistency that is why KA is wanted. But the smaller farms are going to probably have better ethics behind their product and probably more flavor. My starter has been king arthur white and 10%-20% local BW rye, I love the rye in starters. Beautiful loaf buddy.
