Saturday, January 18, 2014



Whole Wheat Worries

I recently purchased a bag of flour from a local farm that had more chaff than usual and have been struggling with making whole wheat loaves. After sifting the flour, I wound up with about half of it being unusable germ and bulk that would only make a thick loaf for soup or hardy sandwiches. For the airy breads I want, I've had to use a mixture of King Arthur unbleached all purpose and the bulky whole wheat. I found that between 13 and 17 percent unsifted whole wheat was a prime mixture for a full and somewhat uniform crumb. 

The Solution is Dillution

200 grams ripe starter
557 grams water
865 grams white
138 grams unsifted whole wheat
18 grams salt

In a bowl was mixed 543 grams of water and the full starter. Then, pre-combined flour on top and gently mixed with a wooden spoon. Let mixture sit for an hour and added 14 grams of water and all the salt. Folded every hour for 3 hours and let sit covered at 60 degrees(f) for 9 hours. Spread on floured surface, quartered, shaped, and sit in floured couche for 2.5 hours before throwing into a 500 degree(f) oven with water thrown on the bottom. Baked until golden brown. Smothered with local raw butter, sprinkled with salt and cracked pepper, delicious. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Are you happy with the flavor? I'm having similar issues with a bag of Aurora whole wheat flour. Did you guys use that up at Tinder ever? We got it by mistake, we've been hooked on the Maine Grains at Scratch, but we've used Aurora in the past as a 50/50 blend with King Arthur wheat. I was thinking it might be that these smaller farms that self mill don't blend with any outside farms, so a lousy growing season can't be compensated as well as say, King Arthur or even Maine Grains who blend various farmers crop.
